
律所介绍 广西桂百律师事务所(以下简称“本所”)于1999年12月18日经广西壮族自治区司法厅批准设立,负责人黄启航。2013年10月15日成立中国共产党广西桂百律师事务所支部委员会,支部书记黄启航。本所住所地广西百色市右江区城东路153号恒宁城市广场2-1号楼5层。2014年2月19日,经广西壮族自治区司法厅批准设立了广西桂百(田林)律师事务所(以下简称“田林分所”),负责人梁锦达。本所2023年12月获得三级破产管理人资格。现共有执业律师29名,实习律师6名,律师助... [查看更多]

  • 专业所有律师均具有本科以上学历,均毕业于区内外著名院校,与公检法部门渊源颇深。
  • 尽责综合全所优势资源,为客户把握法律关口、适时采取得当措施,尽最大可能实现客户所托。
  • 有保障实行流程化办案和错案追究制,诚信、依法、全面履行约定,尽最大可能实现客户所托。
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    addictionrecovery2024-12-21 03:49:27
  • Struggling with addiction? You're not alone. Get a personalized treatment plan for lasting recovery. -Compassionate care -Individualized programs -Evidence-based methods -Holistic approach Start your journey to a healthier you. Confidentiality assured, click for more information now: https://novacodex.site/addiction.html-
    addictionrecovery2024-12-20 22:29:13
  • Struggling with addiction? You're not alone. Get a personalized treatment plan for lasting recovery. -Compassionate care -Individualized programs -Evidence-based methods -Holistic approach Start your journey to a healthier you. Confidentiality assured, click for more information now: https://novacodex.site/addiction.html-
    addictionrecovery2024-12-20 21:41:52
  • Struggling with addiction? You're not alone. Get a personalized treatment plan for lasting recovery. -Compassionate care -Individualized programs -Evidence-based methods -Holistic approach Start your journey to a healthier you. Confidentiality assured, click for more information now: https://novacodex.site/addiction.html-
    addictionrecovery2024-12-20 20:09:55
  • Struggling with addiction? You're not alone. Get a personalized treatment plan for lasting recovery. -Compassionate care -Individualized programs -Evidence-based methods -Holistic approach Start your journey to a healthier you. Confidentiality assured, click for more information now: https://novacodex.site/addiction.html-
    addictionrecovery2024-12-20 12:43:46